We are a Church plant serving the greater Sacramento Region with a vision for our communities to know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference through the power of the Gospel.
On April 1st, 2017, Pastors Serge Kisel and Mike Khochay met with their families in Napa, CA, to rest, recharge, and to dream of planting a church with a simple goal—to create church experience that helps people live out the Gospel in their lives. With the help of the initial Dream Team, 79 committed volunteers with the same dream, Genesis Church launched on October 22, 2017. That Sunday, more than 200 people attended the first service at Abundant Life Fellowship in Roseville, CA, which eventually became the campus we meet at now!
From the beginning, Genesis Church has focused on reaching those who do not know God by creating a welcoming space for them to experience God’s love through the His church. The life-giving message of the Gospel, the passion and joy of our church family, and the simple style of our services opened the doors to many in our community, with over 300 adults attending services by the end of the first year and dozens of baptisms. Our commitment extends out to other communities as well, with partnerships on a local, national, and global level in missions and church-planting initiatives.
Today, over 500 people attend our weekend services, representing diverse cultures, backgrounds, and neighborhoods throughout the Greater Sacramento area. We invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is Jesus and people are encouraged to discover their God-given destiny in Christ and in the Church!